# pg_timeout PostgreSQL extension to manage database idle session timeout. # Installation ## Compiling This module can be built using the standard PGXS infrastructure. For this to work, the pg_config program must be available in your $PATH: `git clone https://github.com/pierreforstmann/pg_timeout.git`
`cd pg_timeout`
`make install`
This extension has been validated with PostgresSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11 and 12. ## PostgreSQL setup Extension can be loaded at server level with `shared_preload_libraries` parameter:
`shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_timeout'` # Usage pg_timeout has 2 specific GUC:
- `pg_timeout.naptime`: number of seconds for the dedicated backgroud worker to sleep between idle session checks (default value is 10 seconds)
- `pg_timeout.idle_session_timeout`: database session idle timeout in seconds (default value is 60 seconds)
Note that pg_timeout only takes care of database session with idle status (idle in transaction is not taken into account). ## Example Add in postgresql.conf:
`shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_timeout'`
Any database session with is idle for more than 30 seconds is killed. In database instance log you get messages similar to:
`LOG: pg_timeout_worker: idle session PID=26546 user=pierre database=pierre application=psql hostname=NULL`
`LOG: pg_timeout_worker: idle session(s) since 30 seconds terminated`
`FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command` If the database session was started by psql, you get: `FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command`
`server closed the connection unexpectedly`
`This probably means the server terminated abnormally`
`before or while processing the request.`
`The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.`