== PandaPost These extensions allow you to represent Python NumPy/Pandas objects in Postgres. WARNING: This is very much a work in progress. Expect the APIs and what is in each extension to change! Currently you can think of PandaPost more as an experiment than anything else. It seems like it would be useful to be able to natively store ndarrays, DataFrames, etc in a Postgres column. Then again, maybe not. :) If you can make use of any of this, please drop a line to our https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pandapost[Google Group]. We'd love any feedback! == Installation I haven't released this on http://pgxn.org[PGXN] yet, so for now you need to clone the git repo and `make install`. After that you can `CREATE EXTENSION "PandaPost";` in your database. Currently it installs everything in your default schema; I suggest creating a panda schema and installing there. Note that it also requires plpythonu. To wrap all that together: ---- git clone https://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost.git # Or, download https://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost/archive/master.zip and unzip cd PandaPost make install psql CREATE EXTENSION plpythonu; CREATE SCHEMA panda; CREATE EXTENSION panda_post WITH SCHEMA panda; ---- == Current Status There are now casts between ndarray and all the plpython supported types (boolean, int*, float, real, numeric and text). This allows things like `SELECT panda.str(array[1,1,2,2]::panda.ndarray);`. .Table General Functions |=== |Function | Description | T | Apply ndarray http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.T.html[T()] function to input | eval | Returns the results of running https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#eval[python's eval()] on the input, as an ndarray. IE: `panda.repr(panda.eval('range(4)'))` | repr | Returns the python https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#repr[repr()] of the input. | str | Returns the python https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#func-str[str()] of the input. |=== .Table Set Functions |=== |Function | Description | ediff1d | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ediff1d.html[Returns difference between elements in array] | in1d | Returns boolean array of whether each element in `i` is present in `ar2`. See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.in1d.html[numpy.in1d]. | intersect1d | Return unique list of values that are present in both `i` and `ar2`, similar to `INTERSECT` in SQL. See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.intersect1d.html[numpy.intersect1d]. | ndunique | Return unique elements in `ar`, plus other potential output. See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.unique.html[numpy.unique]. | ndunique1 | Same as ndunique() but only return the array of unique elements. | setdiff1d | Return the difference between `i` and `ar2`, similar to `EXCEPT` in SQL. See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.setdiff1d.html[numpy.setdiff1d]. | setxor1d | Return the values that are in only one (but not both) `i` and `ar2`. See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.setxor1d.html[numpy.setxor1d]. | union1d | Return the unique values that are in either `i` or `ar2`. See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.union1d.html[numpy.union1d]. |=== .Table Special Functions |=== |Function | Description | create_cast | Creates casts to and from a Postgres data type and ndarray |=== Next up: porting the more common ndarray functions: ---- np.ndarray.byteswap np.ndarray.cumsum np.ndarray.flat np.ndarray.min np.ndarray.ravel np.ndarray.shape np.ndarray.tobytes np.ndarray.all np.ndarray.choose np.ndarray.data np.ndarray.flatten np.ndarray.nbytes np.ndarray.real np.ndarray.size np.ndarray.tofile np.ndarray.any np.ndarray.clip np.ndarray.diagonal np.ndarray.getfield np.ndarray.ndim np.ndarray.repeat np.ndarray.sort np.ndarray.tolist np.ndarray.argmax np.ndarray.compress np.ndarray.dot np.ndarray.imag np.ndarray.newbyteorder np.ndarray.reshape np.ndarray.squeeze np.ndarray.tostring np.ndarray.argmin np.ndarray.conj np.ndarray.dtype np.ndarray.item np.ndarray.nonzero np.ndarray.resize np.ndarray.std np.ndarray.trace np.ndarray.argpartition np.ndarray.conjugate np.ndarray.dump np.ndarray.itemset np.ndarray.partition np.ndarray.round np.ndarray.strides np.ndarray.transpose np.ndarray.argsort np.ndarray.copy np.ndarray.dumps np.ndarray.itemsize np.ndarray.prod np.ndarray.searchsorted np.ndarray.sum np.ndarray.var np.ndarray.astype np.ndarray.ctypes np.ndarray.fill np.ndarray.max np.ndarray.ptp np.ndarray.setfield np.ndarray.swapaxes np.ndarray.view np.ndarray.base np.ndarray.cumprod np.ndarray.flags np.ndarray.mean np.ndarray.put np.ndarray.setflags np.ndarray.take ---- == Examples .Basic examples .... CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpythonu; CREATE EXTENSION panda_post; CREATE TEMP TABLE s AS SELECT array['a','b','c']::ndarray AS s1, array['c','d']::ndarray AS s2; -- python repr() of an ndarray of strings SELECT repr(s1) FROM s; repr ------------------------- array(['a', 'b', 'c'], + dtype='|S1') (1 row) -- python str() of same array SELECT str(s1) FROM s; str --------------- ['a' 'b' 'c'] (1 row) -- exclusive-or of two ndarrays SELECT str(setxor1d(s1, s2)) FROM s; str --------------- ['a' 'b' 'd'] (1 row) -- Intersection SELECT str(intersect1d(s1, s2)) FROM s; str ------- ['c'] (1 row) .... This more complicated example uses the lambad extension to create a dataframe, which can currently be returned as an ndarray. NOTE: Eventually there will be an actual DataFrame Postgres data type .Basic ndarray type storing a subclass (in this case, a Pandas DataFrame) .... CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS lambda; \set df pd.DataFrame.from_dict([{"a":1,"b":"a"},{"a":2,"b":"b"}]) SELECT repr( lambda( $l$( ndarray ) RETURNS ndarray LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE ndarray AS $body$ import pandas as pd return $l$ || :'df' || $l$ $body$ $l$ , NULL::ndarray ) ); repr --------- a b+ 0 1 a+ 1 2 b (1 row) .... Copyright and License --------------------- PandaPost is released under a https://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost/blob/master/LICENSE[BSD liscense]. Copyright (c) 2016 Jim Nasby .