# jsoncdc A rust program which takes a logical decoding stream from postgresql and outputs it in a pluggable and safe way. Not to be confused with [The best rust postgresql library](https://github.com/sfackler/rust-postgres). Our library Requires rust stable 1.1 or greater. You can bug posix4e(or posix4e_) on freenode if you want to get involved. Tasks to work on should be available on: [![HuBoard badge](http://img.shields.io/badge/Hu-Board-7965cc.svg)](https://huboard.com/posix4e/jsoncdc) [![Linux Status](https://travis-ci.org/posix4e/jsoncdc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/posix4e/jsoncdc) ## To build You should checkout the .travis.yml for the dependencies on ubuntu to build. Make sure to generate the postgresql bindings with the generate_bindings.sh. You will also need python ## Formats - [ ] Json output - [ ] Protobufs output - [ ] Avro output ## Destinations - [ ] File - [ ] Http - [ ] kafka - [ ] kinesis ## Features - [ ] Monitored by rust metrics