![CI](https://github.com/adjust/istore/workflows/CI/badge.svg) # istore The idea of istore is to have an integer based hstore (thus the name) which supports operators like + and aggregates like SUM. The textual representation of an istore is the same as for hstore e.g. ``` "-5"=>"-25", "0"=>"10", "5"=>"0", "100"=>"30" ``` On istore both keys and values are represented and stored as integer. The extension comes with two types `istore` and `bigistore` the former having `int` and the latter `bigint` as values, keys are `int` for both. The use case an optimization for istore is an analytical workload. Think of it as showing distributions of whatever can be represented as integer. ### Example Say you have an event log table where you'd aggregate events with some id and segmentation by date. ``` CREATE TABLE event_log AS SELECT d::date as date, j as segment, i as id, (random()*1000)::int as count, (random()*100000)::int as revenues FROM generate_series(1,50) i, generate_series(1,1000) j, generate_series(current_date - 99, current_date, '1 day') d; ``` Using istore you would use the id as key and count / revenues as values. ``` CREATE TABLE istore_event_log AS SELECT date, segment, istore(array_agg(id), array_agg(count)) as counts, istore(array_agg(id), array_agg(revenues)) as revenues FROM event_log GROUP BY date, segment; ``` To summarize the count for a specific `id` you would write ``` istore_test=# SELECT SUM(counts->35) from istore_event_log ; sum ---------- 50213687 (1 row) Time: 29,032 ms ``` instead of ``` istore_test=# SELECT SUM(count) from event_log where id = 35; sum ---------- 50213687 (1 row) Time: 374,806 ms ``` Where you can already see the performance benefit. Which is mostly due to the reduced IO. ``` SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('event_log')) as "without istore", pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('istore_event_log')) as "with istore"; without istore | with istore ----------------+------------- 249 MB | 87 MB ``` The following functions and operators apply to both `istore` and `bigistore` types. ### istore Operators Operator | Description | Example | Result --------- | ----------- | ------- | ------ istore -> integer | get value for key (NULL if not present) | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore -> 1 | 4 istore -> integer[] | get values or key (NULL if not present) | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore -> Array[1,3] | {4,NULL} istore ? integer | does istore contain key? | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore ? 2 | t istore ?& integer[] | does istore contain all specified keys? | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore ?& ARRAY[1,3] | f istore ?\| integer[] | does istore contain any of the specified keys? | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore ?\| ARRAY[1,3] | t istore \|\| istore | concatenate istores | '1=>4, 2=>5'::istore \|\| '3=>4, 2=>7' | "1"=>"4", "2"=>"7", "3"=>"4" istore + istore | add value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore + '1=>4,3=>6'::istore | "1"=>"8", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6" istore + integer | add right operant to all values | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore + 3 | "1"=>"7", "2"=>"8" istore - istore | subtract value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore - '1=>4,3=>6'::istore | "1"=>"0", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"-6" istore - integer | subtract right operant to all values | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore - 3 | "1"=>"1", "2"=>"2" istore * istore | multiply value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore * '1=>4,3=>6'::istore | "1"=>"16" istore * integer | multiply right operant to all values | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore * 3 | "1"=>"12", "2"=>"15" istore / istore | divide value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore / '1=>4,3=>6'::istore | "1"=>"1" istore / integer | divide right operant to all values | '1=>4,2=>5'::istore / 3 | "1"=>"1", "2"=>"1" %% istore | convert istore to array of alternating keys and values | %% '1=>4,2=>5'::istore | {1,4,2,5} %# istore | convert istore to two-dimensional key/value array | %# '1=>4,2=>5'::istore | {{1,4},{2,5}} ### istore Functions Function | Return type | Description | Example | Result -------- | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | ------ exist(istore, integer) | boolean | does istore contain key? | exist('1=>4,5=>10'::istore, 5) | t min_key(istore) | integer | get the smallest key from an istore (NULL if not present) | min_key('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) | 1 max_key(istore) | integer | get the biggest key from an istore (NULL if not present) | max_key('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) | 5 max_value(istore) | integer | get the biggest value from an istore (NULL if not present) | max_value('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) | 10 fetchval(istore, integer) | integer | get value for key (NULL if not present) | fetchval('1=>4,5=>10'::istore, 5) | 10 akeys(istore) | int[] | get istore's keys as an array | akeys('1=>3,2=>4') | {1,2} avals(istore) | int[] | get istore's values as an array | avals('1=>3,2=>4') | {3,4} skeys(istore) | setof int | get istore's keys as a set | skeys('1=>3,2=>4') | 1
2 svals(istore) | setof int | get istore's values as a set | svals('1=>3,2=>4') | 3
4 istore_to_json(istore) | json | get istore as a json value | istore_to_json('1=>4,3=>0,5=>10'::istore) | {"1": 4, "3": 0, "5": 10} compact(istore) | istore | remove `0` value keys | compact('1=>4,3=>0,5=>10'::istore) | "1"=>"4", "5"=>"10" add(istore, istore) | istore | add value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) | add('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"8", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6" add(istore, integer) | istore | add right operant to all values | add('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"8", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6" subtract(istore, istore) | istore | subtract value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) | subtract('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"0", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"-6" subtract(istore, integer) | istore | subtract right operant to all values | subtract('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"0", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"-6" multiply(istore, istore) | istore | multiply value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) | multiply('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"16" multiply(istore, integer) | istore | multiply right operant to all values | multiply('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"16" divide(istore, istore) | istore | divide value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) | divide('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"1" divide(istore, integer) | istore | divide right operant to all values | divide('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"1" istore(integer[]) | istore | construct an istore from an array by counting elements | istore(ARRAY[1,2,1,3,2,2]) | "1"=>"2", "2"=>"3", "3"=>"1" sum_up(istore) | bigint | sum values of an istore | sum_up('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) | 9 sum_up(istore, integer) | bigint | sum values of an istore up to a given key | sum_up('1=>4,2=>5,3=>5'::istore,2) | 9 istore(integer[], integer[]) | istore | construct an istore from separate key and value arrays | istore(ARRAY[1,2,3], ARRAY[4,5,6]) | "1"=>"4", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6" fill_gaps(istore, integer, integer) | istore | fill missing istore keys upto second parameter with third parameter | fill_gaps('1=>4,3=>10'::istore,4,2) | "0"=>"2", "1"=>"4", "2"=>"2", "3"=>"10", "4"=>"2" accumulate(istore) | istore | for each key calculate the rolling sum of values | accumulate('1=>4,3=>10'::istore) | "1"=>"4", "2"=>"4", "3"=>"14" accumulate(istore, integer) | istore | for each key calculate the rolling sum of values upto second parameter | accumulate('1=>4,3=>10'::istore, 4) | "1"=>"4", "2"=>"4", "3"=>"14", "4"=>"14" istore_seed(integer, integer, integer) | istore | create an istore from first to second parameter with third parameter value | istore_seed(2, 4, 5) | "2"=>"5", "3"=>"5", "4"=>"5" istore_val_larger(istore, istore) | istore | merge istores with larger values | istore_val_larger('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>5,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"5", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6" istore_val_smaller(istore, istore) | istore | merge istores with smaller values | istore_val_smaller('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>5,3=>6'::istore) | "1"=>"4", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6" each(istore) | setof(key int, value int) | get istore's keys and values as a set | each('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) | key \| value
1 \| 4
5 \| 10 istore_to_json(istore) | integer[] | get istore's keys and values as json | istore_to_json('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) | {"1": 4, "2": 5} istore_to_array(istore) | integer[] | get istore's keys and values as an array of alternating keys and values | istore_to_array('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) | {1,4,2,5} istore_to_matrix(istore) | integer[] | get istore's keys and values as a two-dimensional array | istore_to_matrix('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) | {{1,4},{2,5}} slice(istore, integer[]) | istore | extract a subset of an istore | slice('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) | "2"=>"5" slice(istore, min integer, max integer) | istore | extract a subset of an istore where keys are between min and max | slice('1=>4,2=>5,3=>6,4=>7'::istore, 2, 3) | "2"=>"5","3=>6" slice_array(istore, integer[]) | integer[] | extract a subset of an istore | slice_array('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) | {5} clamp_below(istore, integer) | istore | delete k/v pair up to a specified threshold and write their sum | clamp_below('1=>4,2=>5,3=>6'::istore, 2) | "2"=>"9","3"=>"6" clamp_above(istore, integer) | istore | delete k/v pair down to a specified threshold and write their sum | clamp_above('1=>4,2=>5,3=>6'::istore, 2) | "1"=>"4","2"=>"11" delete(istore, integer) | istore | delete pair with matching key | delete('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, 2) | "1"=>"4" delete(istore, integer[]) | istore | delete pair with matching keys | delete('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) | "1"=>"4" exists_all(istore, integer[]) | boolean | does istore contain all specified keys? | exists_all('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) | t exists_any(istore, integer[]) | boolean | does istore contain any of the specified keys? | exists_any('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) | t delete(istore, istore) | istore | delete matching pairs | delete('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>3,2=>5') | "1"=>"4" concat(istore, istore) | istore | concat two istores | concat('1=>4, 2=>5'::istore, '3=>4, 2=>7'::istore) | "1"=>"4", "2"=>"7", "3"=>"4" istore_in_range(istore, integer, integer) | boolean | do istore values lie within the given (inclusive) range? | istore_in_range('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 0, 44) | t istore_less_than(istore, integer) | boolean | do istore values lie below the given value? | istore_less_than('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 44) | f istore_less_than_or_equal(istore, integer) | boolean | do istore values lie below or equal to the given value? | istore_less_than_or_equal('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 44) | t istore_greater_than(istore, integer) | boolean | do istore values lie above the given value? | istore_greater_than('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 2) | f istore_greater_than_or_equa(istore, integer) | boolean | do istore values lie above or equal to the given value? | istore_greater_than_or_equal('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 2) | t istore_floor(istore, integer) | istore | replace all values lower than the boundary with the boundary value | istore_floor('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 20) | "-1"=>"20", "10"=>"20", "5"=>"44" istore_ceiling(istore, integer) | istore | replace all values greater than the boundary with the boundary value | istore_ceiling('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 20) | "-1"=>"2", "10"=>"17", "5"=>"20" ### istore Aggregate Functions Function | Argument Type(s) | Return Type | Description --------- | ---------------- | ----------- | ----------- sum(expression) | istore, bigistore | bigistore | sum of expression across all input values min(expression) | istore, bigistore | same as argument type | merge across all input values by selecting minimum keys value max(expression) | istore, bigistore | same as argument type | merge across all input values by selecting maximum keys value ### Indexes istore has GIN index support for the ? operators For example: ``` CREATE INDEX hidx ON testistore USING GIN (i); ``` ### Authors Alex Kliukin , Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany Ildar Musin , Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany Manuel Kniep , Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany Robert Abraham , Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany GIN index support by Emre Hasegeli , Hamburg, Germany