inetrange ========= This is a Postgres extension to give you [ranges]( of [inet values]( I wrote a tutorial-style blog post about [using the Postgres `inet` type in ranges]( that explains how you might build this extension "by hand", but since a small part of it requires C, it seems nicer to have it all packaged as an extension for people. Installing ---------- This package installs like any Postgres extension. First say: make && sudo make install You will need to have `pg_config` in your path, but normally that is already the case. You can check with `which pg_config`. Then in the database of your choice say: CREATE EXTENSION inetrange; Usage ----- Once you've installed the extension, you can do things like this: SELECT '' <@ inetrange('', '', '[]'); or this: SELECT '[,]'::inetrange && '[,]'::inetrange; You can also create exclusion constraints on `inetrange` columns: CREATE TABLE geoips ( ips inetrange NOT NULL, country_code TEXT NOT NULL, latitude REAL NOT NULL, longitude REAL NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT geoips_dont_overlap EXCLUDE USING gist (ips WITH &&) ); Because the exclusion constraint auto-generates a GiST index, you will also get fast lookups with operators like `<@`.